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Dal · 18 answers · 6mo

Do you usually eat snacks when watching a movie? Is it spicy or sweet food?

Nggak. Saya kurang suka makan-makanan apapun saat menonton, apalagi saat menonton di bioskop. Karena tipikal yang ingin fokus dan mengamati setiap inti film, jadi saya harus berfokus pada satu titik saja, dan memang kurang memakan snack saat penayangan film atau menonton. Ah, saat menonton di rumah pun, saya jarang sekali menonton sembari memakan snack.

Yes, I usually eat sweet food while watching movies. Fruits to be exact! I like to eat melons, apples, or cucumbers (jangan bilang aneh please). 😂

I do, depends on what kind of movie I watch— but well I avoid spicy snacks since it would distract me and I’m not good with it. What about you, Dal?

I usually eat nothing while watching a movie hahaha probably just being too immersed

yeah, I do actually! I love munching on something while watching movies. I prefer spicy food rather than sweets, but if there's a free choice, i'd choose salty! spicy and salty are always my favorite

Engga juga, kalau memang sedang ingin sambil makan, ya makan. Bukan suatu keharusan.

I usually do unless I’m on a super tight snacks dietary regime. A sweet tooth on sweetened starvation btw, guess how miserable my life is right now?

Thanks for the answer! I usually do eat snack or even freaking eating a main course. I rather eat something ... savoury because i'm not a sweet tooth nor someone who eat spicy things normally

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