Ad. · 8 answers · 1y

do u rather go to the cinema or watch movies at home?

Cinema kalau lagi tayang di bioskop. Experience-nya lebih enak untuk aku yang modelan short attention span, biar layarnya segede gaban. 🙏

depends on the type of movie. if it's a film that i've been eagerly waiting for, i will choose to watch it in cinema. however, kalo aku cuma sekadar penasaran sama filmnya i prefer to watch it at home :D

When it comes to some movies I've been waiting for (BARBIE ON JULY 21 SCREAAAAMS) will definitely go to cinema!! 🥺☝️

Tergantung filmnya sih, tapi lebih suka nonton di rumah biar bebas sambil ngapa-ngapain! Also lebih nyaman aja 😼

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