
He roams the night with a mysterious air, cloaked in shadows and whispering secrets to the stars. The moon is his only companion.

Undetermined whereabouts
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Unknown · 1y

Are you afraid of the dark?

Despite the common association of darkness with fear, I find that I don't possess any apprehension towards it, as I perceive darkness as a companion rather than a foe, and find comfort and solace in its presence.

G · 1y

Deskripsikan gabriel cakep!

Iyel asik buat diajak ngobrol, tapi lumayan dry texter (Jujur). Selain itu, anaknya juga keren suka travelling, jiwa petualangnya kuat. Mau ngalah-ngalahin Panji petualang ini kayaknya.

with love, dara · 1y

thoughts on me dong?

You are lively and outgoing, always ready to engage in conversation and bring a positive energy to any situation. Pertahankan. 👍

Unknown · 1y

Have you ever been to Switzerland?

I haven't been there, but I wish I could go. Switzerland is my dream place to live, and I hope to reside there someday. However, if that's not possible, visiting it a few times a year would still be wonderful.

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