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✦ A Genshin Impact horror fanzine! ✦


Anonymous Coward · 3y

Hi!! I can’t seem to DM you but I didn’t get an email in my inbox or spam!!

Apologies, it seems that DMs were not turned on on the Twitter account. They have been turned on now so you should be able to message us to check the result of your application if you didn’t receive the email. Thanks!

— Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Hello! Will we be able to ask for critique for our portfolios? I'd love to know how I could write horror better :)

Unfortunately due to the high volume of writer applications we’ve received and the size of each portfolio, we will not be able to provide critique at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding!

— Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

is the "dt" in the title an intentional typo? "Toten" is spelled with only a t in german

It’s not a typo—the title of our zine comes from a poem from the 18th century called Lenore, by Gottfried Bürger, which is quoted in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Please see our Carrd for the exact quote! The spelling is the 18th century spelling instead of the modernized “Toten”, it is not misspelled, only a more archaic spelling.

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Hello! I'm a new artist to the Genshin fandom so I don't have any Genshin samples, do I have any chance to get in without it? I was planning to work on some samples but I couldn't find free time 😔

Hello, sorry for the late answer. There is no requirement to include a Genshin Impact sample piece in your portfolio! Whether you include one or not won't increase or decrease your chances to be accepted in the zine.

― Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Will you consider extending the applications a bit?

Hello! As you can see from our recent announcements we have extended our applications until March 20th. The schedule on our Carrd and information document will be corrected shortly. At this time we do not plan on extending the applications any further than that though, so make sure to get your app in before the 20th!

— Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Hello! For the writers' application requirement, must the horror sample be gothic horror? I just wanted to clarify since in the information doc, it said it doesn't necessarily have to be gothic horror but then someone submitted a question to which you replied that a gothic horror piece is part of the requirements. Thank you for your time!

Hello! Thank you for asking. It’s an oversight in the reply, the sample really doesn’t have to be gothic horror specifically. Other genres of horror are perfectly acceptable. Sorry for the confusion!

— Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Are writers required to have 3 samples or 5 samples for their application?

Anonymous Coward · 3y

hi! native german speaker here. idk if it was on purpose, but in case not, I wanted to let you know that you have a typo in your zine title! "Todten" -> "Toten" would be the correct spelling for "the dead" c:

Hello! Thanks for reaching out.

The title of our zine is a direct quote from a poem cited in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It’s not the same as the modern spelling, but it’s the spelling that was current in the 18th century, which is when the poem was written. If you want to look it up, the poem is Lorena by Gottfried August Bürger!


— Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

I know this zine is planned for physical print, but will there be digital copy too? And thank you so much for this zine.

Hello! Thank you so much for your interest!

This zine will be available in PDF format as well as physical, though we do not intend on producing digital merch at this time. Thanks for asking!

― Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

hello to the mods!! so so excited for this project 😁 just wanted to ask, will the pieces be set in canonverse or can they be set in any AU? thank you for your hard work!

Hello! Considering the theme of the zine, AUs will absolutely be allowed. Of course, the final ideas will have to be discussed between accepted contributors and the mods, but we have no a priori opposition to any kind of AU, as long as it fits the theme of gothic horror. :)

Thank you for the compliment and thank you for your question, we look forward to seeing your portfolio!

— Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Hi! What a great theme for a zine!
I have a question about the writer applications. Is there any leeway in the 4000-5000 word limit for the complete story to be included in the application? Especially considering that you mention it might be possible to go over that length in the zine itself?

Hello! Thanks for getting in touch, we're glad to know the concept has got you excited!

We're happy to accept samples up to around 5,500 words as counting towards the sample between 4k and 5k words, but we'd rather not get samples much over 5,500 words so we can judge applicants' ability to tell a well-paced story with a good, cohesive structure within this word count.

Thank you for your interest, we're looking forward to reading your application! :)

— Mod George

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Hello! I was curious to know if the art mods had anything specific in mind for the aesthetic of the stickers? I’m interested in applying as a merch artist but I want to make sure I can do something that would work well for the project before I apply! Thanks!

Hello! The mods were considering glow-in-the-dark stickers (which would be black and white with harsh contrasts), but they are open to ideas from merch artists, as long as it fits the general theme of the zine (gothic horror). We hope this helps! We’re looking forward to seeing your application!

— Mod George

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