Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Are writers required to have 3 samples or 5 samples for their application?

Hello! Writers are required to submit 3 samples that must correspond to the specific criteria outlined in our application guidelines (total word count under 12k words, 1 gothic horror piece, 1 completed work within 4-5k words) and must have at least 2 other works in their portfolio on top of those samples. When grading applications, mods will be focusing on the three samples first, and may use the rest of a writer’s portfolio to make the final selection. Essentially, it’s 3 samples and 5 works in portfolio, but your samples may be counted as part of your portfolio.

We hope that clears things up! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have further questions.

— Mod George

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