Malcolm Ford.

I’ll feed your curiosity, ask away.

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Anonymous · 11d

Hi, Malcolm. I've been admiring you for a long time. I'm curious, do you have a crush on someone? Just a little clue, we've only had a few interactions and when we do my heart always races.

Hello there. Hmm, I might have, I might not. It’s way too early for me to answer the question. And that’s pretty general for a clue, though. Mind to give me another, perhaps?

Anonymous · 10d

im eepy u__u

Ca! · 10d

malco kenapa belum tidur? udah jam segini

Hey, Cassie. I just got back and finished tidying up myself, how about you? Kenapa belum tidur?

Ca! · 3 answers · 11d

kehabisan tontonan. should i rewatch the greatest showman?

Meeya · 14d

Malco, suka aespa gak? Kalau suka, biasnya siapa??

Sukaa, I’m a casual listener of them. Kalau bias susah milih, sejujurnya… but, I’ll go with Giselle.

Cameron Murphy. · 14d

Kuota penuh, harga pas di kantong
1. 1GB, 5rb/1hr
2. 8GB, 25rb/30hr
3. 23GB, 50rb/30hr
beli lewat WA: im3. id/WAhp
Paket lain cek *123*4#

Kamu berkesempatan untuk beli Paket Rekomendasi IM3 di aplikasi BRImo Bank BRI dengan spesial kuota hingga 100GB. Cek , jgn sampe kehabisan !

Ca! · 14d

kanu suka nonton film ngga? biasanya suka yang genrenya gimana?

Suka, walau nontonnya kalau ada waktu luang aja. My favorite genres are romance and action.

Anonymous · 22d

Hey, Malcolm! Your profile showed up on my recommended list, and I couldn’t help but take a peek. Your posts really caught my eye, and I'd love to become mutuals or even friends (if you allow me). So, is it cool with you if I follow you out of the blue?

Hey, sender. I don’t know what to say but, thank you. (You flatter me) I don’t mind it at all, by the way. Feel free to shoot me a follow, I’ll send you the feedback right away.

Anonymous · 22d

what's so new for you, Malco? anyway thanks for having me around. so, how did your saturday go? :__)★ i was wondering if you had anything fun today... since mine was soooo_boring today! tmi i didn't do anything today, at first this was a big deal, but it turns out i got a lot of foodies today. they solve all my problems!! <3

Having someone like you, this was my first time. My Saturday went good as usual, nothing special happened, but I’m happy to be home for this weekend. That sounds great, what kind of foods did you get? Food is definitely one way of many to brighten up your day. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, sender.

Anonymous · 23d

hey-ho Malcolm! :d Sorry that i have to hang around your Retro, but watching you quietly now makes me want to be one step closer to you... just the thought of being able to interact with you is already fun, i think. but this is a bit strange because i'm not one of your mutuals, so do you mind if i talk to you here once in a while? 🧍‍♀️

Hello, sender. Oh, this is something new for me. Thank you, I guess… and, of course, I don’t mind to have you around. You’re welcomed to come over any time.

Anonymous · 24d

Lemme know a step-by-step guide on how to win your heart? :3

There is no specific thing to win my heart, actually… if you genuinely kind and I found you cute, that might be the best way.

Nathanio · 4 answers · 23d

hi, how's your day?

Hey, thank you for asking. It went really well. Since I have a day off, I spent the day with watching movie. It was enjoyable. How about yours?

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