Dimi B

Mostly just babbles about fanficiton tbh.

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Anonymous lad · 9d
Anonymous lad · 21d

I'm asking around but do you think it is rude for a person to never comment or kudos a fic gifted to them? This can apply to fics from exchanges or fics outside of events.

I like to give people the benefit of a doubt, and everything has to be put in context and yada yada but in general I think it can come off as a bit rude. I mean, as a writer it would make me sad, at the very least, if I gifted someone something and the receiver didn't acknowledge it in any type of way. But I don't know, it's hard to say since it'll all depend on the situation.

Anonymous lad · 20d

I was reading that fic of yours where megumi fucks yuji's dilf uncle sukuna (2 chapters) and it's soooo full of grammer mistakes and wrong sentences I haven't seen in your other fics :/ I genuinely had problem reading that one. I was especially confused by this particular sentence: If Megumi had been so turned on he felt dizzy, he would have been embarrassed.
It'd be better if you betaed those one-two shots too not just your long fics

Practically none of my fics are beta-ed any longer, but this one I admittedly didn't look through as much as I usually do. I'll look into it. Thanks for you feedback.

Anonymous lad · 25d

A truther lol. That's not saying much sense you ship anything with anything. 😏

No, not really honestly, I just don't talk about my dislikes/neutrals. Sukufushi and Tojikuna followed by Tojiita are my faves though

Anonymous lad · 25d

I really don't see the appeal in tojikuna ship and I hope you won't go that way in wtg after gaining readers off sukifushi shippers

Anonymous lad · 25d

Am I the only one thinking Sukuna and Toji could be a thing in WTG ? I’m aware of the Toji Yuji thing going on but the tension with Sukuna 🙇🏽‍♀️🔥
There has to be other people thinking this !

There is, dlfjfd. I really see where you're coming from as well, as a Tojikuna truther myself 👀

Anonymous lad · 25d

What's the purpose of life if you won't give us a special chapter on wtg yuji and toji

If only there was a side story that's called Who's that alpha? (It's Toji) that told the story of them. If only...

Anonymous lad · 26d

I'd read a whole chapter of WTG Toji being a scary and protective father completely wholesome and kind with his son and training him since childhood 😭😭😭 it's a need!!

Anonymous lad · 26d

Wait id megs is like 30 in WTG how old is toji?? 50?? My man is a really a hag omg

Anonymous lad · 27d

I wanna thank you for giving us a somewhat healthy Megumi and Toji relationship in WTG 🥺

Thank you! I'm glad you appreciate it 🥹💕 Megumi and Toji's relationship is one of my favourite things from WTG

Anonymous lad · 27d

Sukuna the type of simp that takes off his jacket during rain and holds it over Megumi's head while he himself gets drenched wet

Anonymous lad · 29d

I feel so stupid while reading comments on WTG because everyone seems to pick up hints that toji×yuji are together but MY DUMB ASS DIDN'T GET ANYTHING SKSUSIUS

Anonymous lad · 1mo

you've probably had questions like this before, but what do you think makes or breaks a fic for you? Is there one thing, or does it have to be a combination of things? and if I can ask a semi-related follow up question, how important do you think prose or writing style is? Thanks!

Hello! To be quite honest, I don't really like talking about my likes and dislikes much because I feel it might make someone feel bad about their writing, even if it's just a matter of preferences. Don't want to accidentally do that, I hope you understand.

Anonymous lad · 1mo

hii!!! First I just wanna say your update made my entire week sjskjsk, thank youuu
And second, can u plsss help me find the fic where yuuji and Megumi are in an arranged marriage and sukuna is the king and he observes their first night and also instructs yuuji! There's a scene in the end with a sukufushi moment and I can't seem to find it💔

Hello! Thank you for your kind words! It sounds as if you are talking about my dear friend Cherry's fic A Guiding Hand? 👀 I'll link it:

Anonymous lad · 1mo

How do you feel about sukufushi . From a scale of 1 to 100 how much do you enjoy it?

Oh, I definitely love sukufushi. It's for a reason I've written like a 1.000.000 words about them at this point LMAO. Then, of course, there are aspects of being a part of the skfs fandom that could be better, but that's how life is you know what I mean? I'm just here in my corner, doing my thing and vibing with these neat characters and trying to have the best time I possibly can while I'm still having interest to do so. A solid 80/100 at the very least.

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