Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous lad · 23d

Share your side of the story bc there’s always two sides

Yeeeah there is. And when you have the conversation as a whole, things can be interpreted quite differently than what has been displayed so far, at least as far as I regard it. But I'm not sure if I care enough about it to make it into a thing. Honestly, this whole thing smells a bit of desperation. If it's so important to Rem to come off as she's like all innocent uwu to post a callout thing to "clear her name" as she stated it was about (I genuinely have no idea what that's supposed to mean) and for whatever reason throw me under the bus with (in my opinion) incredibly convenient cropped screenshots in the process, then alright. By all means. You do you baby girl.

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