Kate Matsuda · 9 answers · 1y

If you were a teacher. And let's say you meet a pupil with a sack of weed. And you seize that sack of weed. And now what to do with it? Everybody wants it and offers money to you. To avoid being a drug dealer you have little options. 1. Sell it back to the pupil and make them the drug dealer. 2. Sell it yourself, be a drug dealer but take the money for charity. 3. Burn it while everybody runs around the bonfire inhaling. 1,2 or3?

neither. I would lock it up in an underground safe, beneath a mountain, protected by a dragon. then pass a rumor that there's an ancient civilization somewhere on this planet that used some powerful elixir for eternal life on the planet, and there is a small amount of said elixir left. and then watch the chaos slowly unfold.

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