Zanna · 15 answers · 25d

what’s your guilty pleasure?

Impulsively buy a bowl of seblak with the highest level of spiciness as my getaway moment of everything that could make me stress and angry.

Does using meme jelek on serious situations counted as guilty pleasure? 🧍🏻‍♀️

Eating indomie in the middle of the night and getting iced tea almost every day.

Umm, membeli barang-barang random hanya karena terlihat lucu. Dan, aaargh, memakan 2 bungkus mie saat begadang dengan extra topping. ㅠㅠ

Keeps procrastinating until one random night, when I close my eyes, I suddenly want to do all the things. And I'll say to myself to procrastinate again. So, yeah. It's my vicious circle.

My guilty pleasure is staying up late for no reason, just scrolling through social media or watching random YouTube videos until the wee hours of the morning. (Please don’t do it)

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