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⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆ · 6 answers · 20d

Thoughts on Yemima, please? 🖤

MIMAA is such a joy to talk to—she's super sweet, incredibly funny, always makes me laugh, and on top of all that, she's incredibly attractive

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 9 answers · 19d

Henlo! ✨ Tell me what's your thoughts on Kia, please...? 🐥

Kia has two sides to her: sweet and... well, let's just say I can't really put the other one into words. She's adorable, funny, sweet, and really cares about her friends a lot <3

Cassie · 19d

What's your repeated song recently?

Eleadzar Karya Maharumi · 14 answers · 18d

If you can eat only one food for your whole life, what food would it be?

Delilah. · 7 answers · 14d

What do you think of Delilah?

Delilah is such a sweet girl. She's really caring and beautiful, always treats people well, and has a positive vibe. <3

KEN. · 14 answers · 24d

How do you define beauty?

beauty is when someone's inner light shines so brightly that it illuminates everything around them with positivity and warmth

Eleadzar Karya Maharumi · 17 answers · 21d

Your thoughts on Maharumi, please?

he’s the type of person who's always ready to lend a hand, whether it's helping you move furniture or just being there to listen to your problems. always cracking jokes that might miss the mark but are still cute. conversations with him just flow so naturally. at first i thought you might be stiff, but its the way around. act of service kinda guy. 😗

Amoura Gertrude. · 13 answers · 21d

Do(s) and don’t(s) dating you.

- be open and honest
- give attention and support
- be respectful towards me and others

- disappear without explanation or give the silent treatment

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 10 answers · 22d

What is a lie or exaggeration you said to impress a crush?

once, i may have exaggerated about being a movie buff to impress him. i ended up fumbling through google to keep up with the conversation. 😩

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 11 answers · 22d

If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

don’t sweat the small stuff. life has a way of working out, even when it feels like everything is falling apart.

Leo · 23d

Name 3 moots you think they are cool.

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 10 answers · 28d

If you were invited to attend Hogwarts, which Hogwarts House would you choose?

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 1mo

Where would you like to go on vacation that you haven't been to yet?

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