Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Producer · 10mo

is it possible to apply to this zine with little knowledge of enstars lore? i only play it for the rhythm game 😅

Hi there! This would depend on the role and content you intend to fulfill in this fanzine. As writers will need to write a short story based around the childhoods of ES!! characters, writers need to at least know the canon backstory of the characters they want to write. Even if they were creating fanon content for their work, understanding of the relevant characters for characterisation will still be important.

Artists are strongly recommended to have knowledge of the canon backstories of the characters they wish to portray, but it is not necessarily needed should you choose to create fanon content for this project.

Do note that when submitting the three (3) samples in your application, one of them must be a completed piece featuring Ensemble Stars!! characters. Thank you for your question 🧡

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