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Secret Muse · 9mo

A balance between trust and boundaries, yes, i totally on the same boat with you. Also, knows who you should be prioritizing and communication are two crucial things for me when it comes to a relationship. A little TMI, i hate it when my partner just keeps all the emotions inside, especially the negative emotion when something off happened, but suddenly, out of nowhere they blow up with anything that has been kept inside. That's one of my biggest turns off in a relationship. May i know what you dislike or maybe your biggest turn-off when it comes to a relationship, sir?

Righttt? Trust is key, but you also need boundaries so you’re not stepping on each other’s toes all the time. Prioritizing who and what matters is super important. And yes! I totally get what you mean about the emotional build-up. It’s like, if you’re feeling something, just say it, y‘kno? Blowing up out of nowhere is just... ugh. It’s hard to deal with and makes everything way more complicated than it needs to be. So I agree with you on that so that—it’s also one of my biggest turn-offs. Another one would be… dishonesty. Like, if you’re not upfront or you hide stuff, it’s a dealbreaker for me. I think it comes down to trust again. If I can’t trust that you’re being real with me, then what’r the point, right? Hahaha. Also, passive-aggressiveness! I think I would rather have a direct, uncomfortable conversation than deal with someone who’s being all cryptic and snarky instead of just saying what’s on their mind. Hahaha anyway, I think I talk too much, no? I’m sorry.

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