Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

??? · 5mo

Just want to put out there that despite it being the less popular route I love your Vicdrew. Your Victor is just perfect to me. Undeniably cute and awkward but he’s troubled… Your art officially converted me to Vicdrew and your interpretation is amazing. <3

OOUGHHHGGHAAA???!! 😭😭😭😭😭 OH....I'M....I'M SO MOVED....I never drew them with the intend to attract others to it but reading you say that made me feel flattered 😭💓
I think the thing that makes me most happy about your message is that you like the way I portray Victor, who i'm aware its not the taste for most 💦 He's my silly little guy with a bit obscure core... I hope I can keep it up. This made me really happy, thank you so so much for writing me, from the bottom of my heart, thank you 😭💓

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