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??? · 5mo

Yes about Victor! He’s kind but he cuts himself off so he doesn’t really care. He’s going through the motions. His kind heart is still there so he’s polite and pleasant. He’s scared of abandonment so he distances himself so he won’t care.

Andrew is harsh to push others away so they don’t push him away first. Him being weak to compliments also rewired my brain. Despite his harsh life he’s still naive. I think there’s a lot of flak for calling Andrew innocent and naive when he’s killed. I think both can be true at the same time. Andrew isn’t innocent as in having clean hands, his are covered in sin. He’s innocent in a naive way. Andrew was orphaned at a young age and didn’t have guidance in a cruel world. The criminal world presented him what he thought was his only chance at redemption. He thought he could suck up some years of crime in order to have enough money for a holy burial. But that was never going to happen (unless it’s Epitaph lol). So it’s not really woobifying imo since that gullible nature led him down his dark path. A lack of conviction also meant he wouldn’t escape. There might have been chances to escape his life of crime, but Andrew wasn’t going to take them because that unknown was scary. It’s easier for him to stay with bad people who tell him he did a good job. He’s a good natured person who has done terrible things, which is what makes him interesting to me. It doesn’t matter that he’s insecure and a nervous wreck, in fact those traits are why he ended up killing Marshall in a panic. There’s so much more to Andrew than Sadistic Cold “would kill you with his shovel for looking at him wrong” and soft innocent boy. Gah I have so many thoughts about Andrew. He’s got layers but sometimes ppl only talk about one side or the other. 😭

Also yes Sun and Moon. I love Sun and Moon Vicdrew a lot… I can write so much about it…

Sorry, i can't help but to find it a bit amusing how we still mistake being kind with being a good person, I don't believe Victor is inherently a good person, but he does try to act like one probably to not being the topic of someone else's convo... I think ultimetly, he might be confused on whether he is or not a good person after wearing this mask for so long...
Andrew is very complex, and people don't really want to admit that sometimes, bad people are bad not by choice. He isn't bad i mean, but for some he is. Sometimes, people who do horrible things have hearts and there is a why behind every. Andrew killed people therefore hes evil and cold and greedy money hungry... I don't see people talking like that about jack for example, but that's also because he's clearly a bad person, a murderer. But people loves tho stomp on characters who have done bad without them having any other option to survive. Andrew is a kind hearted man who's suffered the worst in his childhood, moment of life that shapes most of a person. And he still didn't escape a bad treatment for years, everyday. I would look like shit too if i had to go through all that too. And yet, he still managed to stay naive and get ridiculous happy when someone compliments him, he literally wants an oportunity in life so bad it makes him look stupid....
I hope i could make my thoughts make it through all this text...thank you for writing so much to me!
Keep talking about sunmoon vicdrew because i also wont shut up ever djdfjksk

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