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??? · 5mo

God I’m typing so much but like inverted sun and moon. I personally like to describe it as outwardly Andrew Moon and Victor sun, but if you look into their hearts it’s the opposite. Outwardly Andrew is a mysterious and ominous force while Victor is the pleasantly helpful postman. Deep inside Andrew’s emotions burn inside him, clouding his decisions and Victor distances himself, an ever distant moon.

Writing a fic where there’s a story book element every few chapters with Victor as the prince of sunshine and Andrew as a knight of moonlight. Though the roles they play isn’t what you’d typically think? Gah! I just like Vicdrew sun and moon a lot we need more people talking about it

Dont worry about writing too much, i enjoy it.
We're on the same page then, because i think the same about their sunmoon victor shines so brightly so you cant see his other side, meanwhile andrew tries so hard to hide his light scared someone might try to extinguish it again, and also somehow a burning passion you wouldnt expect...
A prince and a knight.....they also had those roles...and somehow victor sometimes gets stuck in high standing roles...a pope and the first vampire, a prince... I really like the idea, I love allegorical elements shorts inbetween a story....

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