Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

??? · 4mo

It's okay... I took long because I was doing things irl...

Being the Postman is comforting to Victor. The Postman is reliable and helpful, but not so flashy that he would stand out. A pleasant smile makes others happy. As much as he wants to distance himself and not care, deep down inside he does care and wants someone to do the same for him. Letters to him show honesty, but I find it funny that the writing he have from him are very distant. Like his greetings are very short and at the current event his review only says Wick likes the food. A bit of hypocrisy there Mr. Grantz...

I just really like Victor as the sun, people need the sun but never look up at it, like how Victor seeks to be trusted and needed but nobody ever sees him. Yet Victor is the only sun Andrew can enjoy. Meanwhile Andrew as the moon. Oh so distant but gentler despite how scary and intimidating the night can be.

Also the opposite... Andrew's emotions burn brightly, sometimes making him act rashly while Victor is cold and distant like the moon.

Much to say about them...

Please, do not think you should send me messages all the time. Everyone has their irl problems and this shouldn't be taken as an obligation!
I really love how he is always like "you can read between lines in letters!" but when he writes it feels like he's actively trying to perfect a writing that won't let anyone read between his lines... Maybe he wants to make sure the right person can read him through and through? (delusional)
You're right....the sun is so bright and warm....but you shouldnt look at it directly....
The way you just put it for both really is making me all giddy....ehehe....I love them....

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