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Isolde. · 5 answers · 10mo

Hello. Can you please suggest me a song, one that is considered 'lesser known' or unorthodox? Thankies! ♡

All of the songs by Alec Benjamin, especially If I Killed Someone For You and If We Have Each Other. Not so sure whether it is lesser known or not but at least not many Indonesians ( that I know ) listen to this artist.

Mm, I'm not sure if these songs can be considered lesser-known songs or not, but maybe you will like them! I Wish It Was Me - Etham; CWJBHN - Jake Scott; London - Mokita (I love all of his songs.); White Roses - Greyson Chance; War of Change - Thousand Foot Krutch; Teenagers - My Chemical Romance; Zombie - The Cranberries. Some of these songs are (a little) sad. My pleasure, Isolde!

have you heard that’s hilarious by charlie puth..? not sure if it’s considered as ‘lesser known’ or no— but since i just discovered it i just want to share! : d

I'll recommend you Valley's songs!! You should check them out, my personal favorite is Nowhere Fast. ♡

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