Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Nuclear power plants-yay or nay?

Big yay from me, all the other forms of power produce incredible levels of waste. A single coal plant will produce 240,000 tons of toxic waste in a year. They are also heavily deregulated, radioactive coal ash is just dumped en masse into our garbage system and much of it is just allowed to drift into the wind. Solar energy is even worse, creating absurd amounts of waste IRENA projected that this amount could reach 78 million metric tons worldwide by 2050. Plus, and this is the thing people don't talk about this waste will be toxic on a geological timescale. There is NO half life for the lead and lithium in solar power waste. Wind power is the most wasteful by FAR. there are 57,000 wind turbines in the United States, each made of between 40 and 160 tons of steel and need to be replaced every 20 years. That's over 28500000 tons of steel in a hundred years assuming we don't expand our wind power.

Nuclear is also the safest by far, in the US more people die every year installing solar panels on their roofs than have ever died from nuclear accidents. Hydroelectric has massive waste and upkeep problems, in addition to disrupting the environment and being a threat to our food supply. Geothermal is impractical. Biomass burning is a disaster for air quality, just look at how it messed up China and India. There are no real options for green power other than nuclear. Plus, nuclear recycling of waste is pretty efficient and is getting better every year. https://whatisnuclear.com/recycling.html

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