Stephen Broughton · 3 answers · 10mo

If, for one whole day, you could do anything without any consequences, what would you do?

that's a tough question (i'm assuming that I still can do things that I am physically able to do now, except there are no consequences for them :P)

hmmm, well, I'd probably try to acquire as much money in one way or another during the 24 hours, and try to do it in a way that would hurt people least

What I would probably do is go to a big-chain jewellers store like Apart, fill my backpack with riches and walk out, then do that in all the ones in nearby cities while I have the time (for legal reasons that's a joke. don't put me on a list ABW)

then the next day I would sell it and buy a nice house for me, my partner and my cats :3

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