Ra. · 12 answers · 28d

If I ask you to go on a date. What place did you choose to date? A beach? Or What? And why?

Yes, let's go to the beach. But first, we need to buy some snacks and beverage. We don't even have to dive into the water, let's just enjoy the breeze.

I prefer to go to the deep woods and enjoy nature. I like those who are adventurous, so perhaps we can go camping.

I'd love to ask you out to a flower garden, where we can enjoy the breeze on our faces and take in the beautiful scenery together.

I would like to start my date by going to amusement park and doing various fun activities together, because nothing better than fun activities to spark something and also a good start to date. After the amusement park, we would probably be hungry and the best thing would be to go all berserk and fulfill the cravings of street food. Eating every delicious food, spicy, sweet or sour! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭

i’d choose an amusement park. its a fun way to break the ice, enjoy some thrilling rides, and share a lot of laughs. <3

Going on a date in the park while having a picnic is probably what I will do. Because I think it's very exciting and relaxing to be able to have a picnic with your loved ones.

I would love to take you to Iceland, it will be a good place for us to just simply strolling around and escape from the crowded city.

Let’s go to the nicest park there is to have a little picnic. I’ll bring the foods and you can just come as you are. We can do paint by number thing, or we can read a book, play some card games, or just talk over some snacks.

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