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Papaya · 4mo

what's your thoughts on a partner who steals our personality? disclaimer: before anyone calls me a narcissist, i used to take that fact very positively. i once thought that they only want to appreciate me by loving the things i love, until it feels wrong. they started became me. talk like me, do things that i did, repeating the same topic that i only told them to other people—basically mirroring all my acts and interests. i cannot lie, i'm no longer comfortable.

I think there's a difference between adopting someone's habits or preferences and outright copying them. I am totally okay with my partner becoming interested in what I like and even taking on some of my habits. In fact, I find it endearing. But I would find it strange if my partner suddenly started acting exactly like me plus if they’re still doing it after the relationship ended.

To be honest, I don't mind if someone repeats the same topic, especially if they're talking about their partner. Like, "My partner likes this, is interested in that, blah blah blah." But if they're truly trying to mimic their partner that would be a bit odd. It would make me uncomfortable because I wouldn't know if it's genuine interest or something else…?

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