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bogus · 2 answers · 2y

something a bit weird and vore-ish. you've been with metadilf for quite a while now, and one strange thing you've noticed is that his belly gets really noisy when you're close to it. (giving it rubs and kisses for example) you put your hand on it and it just growls really loudly. metadilf even points out that his stomach will suddenly feel a little bit emptier when you're close to it, even after stuffing himself silly. needless to say, metadilf's gut really wants you to itself. you admit that you're curious about what it's like in there, but metadilf is very worried for your safety. after all, you could get seriously hurt or killed. you propose being inside of him for a very short time before being let out. he hesitantly agrees and swallows you. meta finds himself slurping you down very quickly and falling in love with your taste. eventually you land in his stomach. it's full of all the food he just ate 30 min ago and very snug inside. yet it doesn't hurt at all! you don't feel any acids stinging your body, or you're simply immune to them somehow. the stomach walls tightly caress and squish your body, but almost in a affectionate way. not to mention they start to feel slightly warmer as if they're blushing. metadilf is so engrossed in having you inside of him that he almost forgets to let you out. he spits you out, and you tell him how it was. he's relieved you're safe and sound (albiet covered in slime and half digested fodd), and now the two of you have something new to try.

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