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bogus · 2 answers · 2y

more silly hehehe. meta knight becomes somewhat of a cassanova in dream land. tons of men and women constantly ask him out and gift him sweets. being the polite lad he is, he eats every dessert he's given but he doesn't really reciprocate this type of lust/love that everyone seems to be giving him. however, his swooners don't seem to get that and keep pampering and spoiling him. meta is given no choice but to sit and have his face stuffed with sweets and his belly worshipped and loved. again, mk has no idea why this is happening but he just goes along with it.

vore incoming: to add a bit of a twist, one of his admirers decides to show their dedication to meta knight by willing sliding down his throat and into his stomach. meta is absolutely stunned by this sudden turn of events, but more fans get the same idea and beg for him to eat them. mk is flabbergasted but still too polite to say no. it isn't long before the knight has about 20 people crammed in his stomach, and he finds himself enjoying this feeling more than he should. and now he'll have dedicated fans add themselves to his growing waistline every day...

Perhaps it becomes like an escort or host for hire kind of deal. He gets a buttload of good food and desserts, and they get to do what they want with this big ol, handsome borb for the evening.

It costs a bit extra to take up residence in whatever pocket dimension that may be inside him .3.

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