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bogus · 2 answers · 2y

don't we all wish for a metadilf bf who can comfort us after a long and hard day at work/school/whatever? he def gives the best hugs. burying your face in his soft hairy chest while he rubs your back and tells you that it's gonna be okay and that he's always here for you. being the sweet tooth he is, he proposed ordering tons of dessert for the two of you to share! cakes, ice cream, cookies, pies, brownies, you name it. and after that would be a most passionate lovemaking session with him. the next morning, metadilf holds you tightly in his arms. good thing it's the weekend cause you'll happily indulge in extra snuggle time with him.

I mean, forget sex, just lay on top of me like a weighted blanket, for real x_x
Ice cream does help a little too. Just a weekend of doing absolutely nothing...

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