Anonymous Coward · 12mo

How did you get so good at writing? Was it something you just kind of got better at over time through practice? You keep tense so well. I swear I keep on shifting whenever I try. So, uh, in short, any tips?

Honestly, yeah! I always had sort of a knack for it but I still started out very clumsy and then slowly got better and better the more I wrote (and read!) and taught myself a lot of stuff based on my own preferences. Honestly, the only tip I can go is to keep going and to keep writing and to edit afterwards if you know you're prone to skipping tenses - and also, if you keep slipping into the same different tense, to maybe try and examine the idea of writing in that one fully, since your brain seems to default to that lol My brain has the tendency to slip in the tense I last read a lot in, so once in a while I catch myself slipping into present tense too, but moooost of the times I catch it. Other than that: keep writing, keep reading, keep examining what works for you when you read and what doesn't and adapt that into your writing! Write from your heart. Don't stress yourself too much - the only way to get through is through! :3

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