Anonymous Coward · 11mo

With all this about the term Cis. I'm now questioning friendships. One of my mutuals said he actually felt uncomfortable being called Cis because it wasn't a label he had chosen and it was put on him, and another said she has always been uncomfy and didn't want to say because she thought she would be hated, and I soft blocked one of them then felt unsure myself. Do you think they're being transphobic? They both seem like nice people I liked seeing on my timeline but I don't know how to feel now. Idk?

depends ig, I don't know your mutuals ot any context, so it's a bit hard to say. generally, cis is a prefix, not a slur or label, that simply signifies the opposite of trans. so it could be that they're somewhere on the genderqueer spectrum and are simply not comfy being called cis or... yeah. at the very least buying into transpbobic talking points. doesn't always mean outright transpbobia, just y'know, bit of ignorance. idk. genuinely, I don't mind if people don't want to be referred to as cis, but it's just... a descriptor. it's like saying "the woman in the red sweater". it just makes language easier. 🤷‍♂️

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