Kenneth Callisto Arche.
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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Malam Kenneth! Sebenernya mau follow, tapi malu... Tunggu 3 hari dulu ya, mau mengumpulkan keberanian. Nanti kalo udah berani, aku datang lagi. :D

Malem Sender, gapapa take your time. Kalo udah berani bisa reach out lagi tapi sambil jikoshoukai ya (bercanda).

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Mau kenalan sama kamu. Mau ngobrol juga tapi nggak ada kesempatan

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Halo Kenneth, aku yang nanyain kamu dari retronya Kevin.

Halo Sender, thanks udah reach out disini. Jangan malu buat follow ya kalau mau mutualan dan kenalan, saya gak gigit kok.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hey Ken, you already set your eyes on someone right now, aren't you? I know this has been asked. Just wondering, your answer could change perhaps 🤷🏻‍♂️

Is this the same Anon as yesterday? I would say my answer didn't change. I still haven't spotted anyone that really caught my eye right now.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

have you set your eyes on someone ?

Hi, Sender. I haven't spotted anyone that really caught my eye right now. Thankyou for asking and i'm kinda curious who sends this (cute) little question.

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

Rasa sayang yang aku miliki ini.
Tampaknya lebih dalam dari yang kamu rasa

From :🌹

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I hope today goes well!

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