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Anonymous Giraffe · 16d

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE 💕💕💕💕 I hope you have a great day and celebrated your birthday with family and friends 😭😭💕💕
Thank you so much for your amazing translations!

Anonymous Giraffe · 19d

have any of the 18trip characters caught your eye? :o

I will say that I’m not sure yet… I like a lot of the designs and of course there’s a lot of voice actors I recognize, but back when Helios first launched it was really translating the initial hero stories that informed my character biases. I’ve read the bios on the wiki but there’s not a whole lot to go on there so I guess I’m still figuring it out…

Anonymous Giraffe · 20d

Was just wondering but are they no longer doing any new lines directly addressing the Commander?

They used to do two new lines per birthday for the birthday character--one general one and one directly to the Commander, but as of maybe (?) 2022 there’s only one and it’s kind of a toss-up which one it’s going to be.

Lines directly addressing the Commander usually happen for the Commander’s birthday and any significant holidays that the characters have two different lines for.

Anonymous Giraffe · 29d

Hi i been following you for sometime. I wanted to ask if you'd be up to do do tls for manga.

Hello! I'm not really taking requests right now (unless it's for stories in Helios and (maybe) Enstars that people would like to see translated that haven't been done yet). When it comes to manga, I also wouldn't feel comfortable translating for any series I didn't have a lot of previous knowledge on for the sake of accuracy/character voices/etc. so that's why I'm fairly selective about what I'd be willing to work on.

Anonymous Giraffe · 1mo

congrats on finishing another main story part!! and thanks once more for all your hard work 🙏🙏

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

As someone who also works 2 jobs, is in university as a full time student, and has a 2004 car on its last legs.. I have not had time to play games but I always appreciate your updates on the game story and others as well. It keeps me a fan of the series and I still love HELIOS with all my heart. Everything you've done is a blessing and thank you for it! Also, good luck for any upcoming events in the game!!

Aw, thank you! And thank you to everyone else that’s sent me nice messages over the last couple of days as well. I won’t post anything more about it on this account but this fandom overall has been wonderful over the last…almost four years…and I do truly appreciate all the support since I certainly never came into it anticipating to translate the entire main story but I’m going to do my best to see it through.

And for the anon that wanted me to DM them, your DMs seem to be closed, but I did see your message.

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

hi! its the union event anon i just wanted to thank yew and the other person who gave advice! i think i got a little move on but still a little away from jude and im SHITTIN MY PANTS CUZ I RAN OUTTA BURGIRS TO USE so idk what im gonna do next but thanks so much for helping!

Ahh, good luck! There’s still a few days left of the event so I hope you’re able to make it to Jude!

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

Thank you for this! I always try to assume that anyone asking questions here is coming from a place of good faith, though that’s obviously not always the case… And I’m going to age myself horribly here but even after many, many years I will confess that discord is one place I always get overwhelmed so I don’t spend much time around there in general, so I’ll certainly keep this in mind going forward.

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

to the anon that needs help with union events, i believe even the event 3* frame you get gives an event point bonus if you place it as a main frame on one of your team members!

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

uh, sorry, hi again, I didn't want to come off as rude or preachy in my initial ask, but do you plan to fix the error on first storm 2.10....? it's fine if not, I do get it's a nitpick but it feels important to the characters.... like the アイツ in 知らないアイツ doesn't feel like it can be dropped so easily... because it really adds to how personal the line is, and i think thats important,, but im sorry if it seems like im making a big deal out of nothing!! ;; feel free to ignore this ask...

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

fleetingmelody do u have any guidance on how to do union event in a efficient way ive been struggling to get jude so hard AND I NEED HIM SO BAD FOR MY COLLECTION

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

Oh! That actually makes a lot of sense and is definitely possible… I generally try my best to find any callbacks in the text or lines of dialogue that relate to each other, but admittedly I have the memory of a goldfish and there’s a lot of text in the main story which makes it hard to catch everything. But I do think it’s in character for Marion to be more…pointed in terms of what he’s saying, especially since he actually did meet Gast long before any of the rest of them.

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

If I’m being completely honest, I…don’t think my translation of that story is particularly good. It was done pretty early in terms of me translating full stories (I think back in 2019) and it’s one that I would like to re-do completely if I had the time and the energy, both to ensure accuracy and because my translation style has changed a lot since then. So because of that, I’d prefer to not have it translated into any other languages for the time being. I hope that makes sense!

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

which is the event or chapter where jr tells marion he likes him? it's sooo adorable i want to read it fully 🥺

Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

thank you so much for all your hard work with the translations!! we appreciate it so much 🥺🙏

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