Anonymous Giraffe · 2mo

As someone who also works 2 jobs, is in university as a full time student, and has a 2004 car on its last legs.. I have not had time to play games but I always appreciate your updates on the game story and others as well. It keeps me a fan of the series and I still love HELIOS with all my heart. Everything you've done is a blessing and thank you for it! Also, good luck for any upcoming events in the game!!

Aw, thank you! And thank you to everyone else that’s sent me nice messages over the last couple of days as well. I won’t post anything more about it on this account but this fandom overall has been wonderful over the last…almost four years…and I do truly appreciate all the support since I certainly never came into it anticipating to translate the entire main story but I’m going to do my best to see it through.

And for the anon that wanted me to DM them, your DMs seem to be closed, but I did see your message.

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