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RhymewithRay · 10 answers · 2y

What habits did your ocs pick up from their parents? (or guardians)

Odd picked up a decent number of things from his dad, Jeri:

For one, Jeri had a tendency to try and help folks (be it extended family or just passerbys if they needed it) whenever/however he could, but also tended to set hard lines if he felt his help was abused in some way; both sides of this Odd practices as an adult.

Another aspect of Jeri's Odd subsumed was his tendency to bottle things/assure other's he's fond despite the contrary: Odd, growing up, could sometimes get the feeling his father was harboring a lot of sadness, but tried not to let it show for his son's sake. Though they both got better about sharing their troubles with one another during Odd's late high school/college days, after Jeri died Odd regressed a bit in that regard, falling into some of his (and Jeri's) old pitfalls after he relocated to Zirca (though he's trying to get better at that)

And on a lighter note: though he tried to censor himself when Odd was young, Jeri still had a pretty bad potty mouth that he let loose every now and then, and while Odd typically isn't very explitive with his usual speech, if he feels comfortable enough around you he'll be a lot more casual flippant with his cussing.

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