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Verboten Medic · 2d

Bit deranged (not any more than usual tbh) but I always love the thought of someone being teased for having an attraction for cannibalism and I think it’d work perfect for Medicest.

Perhaps Ludwig using a sharpie to put dashes along Heinrich’s body, labeling him and the parts of his body like different cuts of meat. Having him stand there stark naked as he coos about how lovingly he’ll be butchered, and giggling as BLU whimpers a little at how attractive such a phrase is to him. Telling him what a fine cut of meat he’d be, picking out the most desireable spots, telling him how and where he’d break down and use every part of his body after being butchered. RED has way too much fun spurring that all on, and he’s a bit too good at it as well to be a casual peruser of such fantasies (to BLU’s delight and dismay).

And knowing the Medics, it's not gonna be all talk. Especially with the bonesaws for the tougher parts, though he might like teasing Heinrich by making light cuts along the lines with his scalpel first. Or maybe keep it to that, lap up the blood, let him succumb to bloodloss or keep him on the brink. Lifting his balls by the side of the bonesaw and telling Heinrich his sweetbreads will make a nice bite-sized snack and laughing at the whimper that gets out of him. Warning him that he oughta not squirm too much, lest he lose them before he cuts the rest of him up. Saying he wants to save them for last. But a little taste couldn't hurt, sucking him off while slowly cutting along the dotted lines on his thighs. Of course making sure to keep Heinrich on the edge, gotta make him last the whole process. Thus it'll also have to be quite slow, keeping him in the infirmary for hours.

The labeling itself won't take too long, though Ludwig still teases him throughout it. Telling him how good he'll smell once he gets him in the oven after all is said and done, maybe if he's good he'll save some of his own meat for him to taste once he comes back. How pretty he'll look with an apple in his open mouth, and that he'll be keeping the head as a decoration. Calling him piggy and saying he's fattened up nicely, poking his belly that's really not much plumper than Ludwig's, that his meat will be nice and marbled. Calling him a nice piece of fuckmeat as well, that he'll stuff him once the butchering process is done and record it for memory's sake (implying he'll also let BLU watch RED fuck his corpse once he respawns), would be a waste not to use every part of him.

Perhaps BLU suspects it somewhere in the middle of it that there's gotta be more than just surgeon's precision making things seem so easy for RED, that this likely isn't his first time. And Ludwig confirms that, telling him he's butchered plenty of other people in the past, men that unlike him, wouldn't be able to come back and see his handiwork to completion like he can. Also saying that he's one of the few more willing ones, and he has a feeling he'll taste much better as a result. Less cortisol that way. Heinrich's considering himself in equal parts incredibly lucky and unlucky, fulfilling a fantasy with someone so experienced and not having to even truly die to see it through. But that Ludwig would have no qualms with carving him up and eating him even if that wasn't the case. Ludwig only lets Heinrich cum when he's about to die, and the last thing he remembers before passing out is the vague sensation of a blade cutting his sweetbreads free.

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