Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Frost of Dawn

A for-profit, physical zine feature Diluc and Kaeya in various legendary and mythical scenarios!

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Ask something!


Anonymous · 8mo

How is production going? Any updates to time timeline?

Anonymous · 1y

Thank you very much for this amazing zine! I would like to ask if there will be separate bundle to buy if we want to buy just the pages with KL or LK dynamic? Thank you and wishing you well on the PO! ^^

Hello! All of our content will be in combined sections. That is, there will be no strictly KaeLuc or LucKae bundles!

Anonymous · 1y

Hello, I just wanted to let you know your listing on genshinfanhub still says contributor apps. I'm not sure if thay website is updated or not though..

Hello and thank you for letting us know! Unfortunately, we don't control that website, so it is out of date on behalf of us. Our Twitter account has all the correct information, which is that we are in creation period. Thank you so much for reaching out to let us know!!

Anonymous · 1y

Hi! how many artworks will be included in the printed version of th zine?

Hello! As of right now, there is not a set number as our artists are still working. Thank you for the question!

Anonymous · 2y

Hi mods! Just a fyi that your bio on twitter still says "Interest Check coming soon!" you may want to update it with the currend status

Anonymous · 2y

hi! i see that you're accepting poets as well as ficwriters, but there is only a writing application. if i'm interested in both positions, should i send in two separate apps? and what is the wordcount limit for poetry samples? i didn't see it stated.

Hello! Thank you for your interest! The writer guide has a section on poetry samples, but please see below for the answer to that! Please submit two applications, and put in the poetry sample in the comment/concern section that you are applying for poetry!

Poetry Sample:
-At least 2 complete works, with optional third sample (one can be an excerpt) each one ranging from 100-500 words with a 100 word leeway on each side.
-If you are wanting to write in the NSFW add-on, one sample must be NSFW

Thank you for the question, and we wish you the best of luck!

Anonymous · 2y

Hey, i got a question. Tried again on twt but it didn't work :''D
I'd like to apply but i never really finished any KLK piece with both nor any elaborate picture with kaeya bc i usually need an incentive to finish sth. My forte are either water colour works or lineart (both which haven't found their use in the genshin fandom). Would it be okay to apply with illustrations that are not from genshin fandom but meet the requirements like full background and then with full colour artwork with only one character?

Hello! Per our guidelines, we need either a finished LucKaeLuc piece OR alternatively, one Diluc and one Kaeya work. This is to show the capabilities of creating the characters. We wish you the best of luck and thank you for the interest and support!!

Anonymous · 2y

What does 'merch artist' is supposed to do? Just draw for the merch that you're gonna print/handle, or the artist themselves is supposedly to handle the making besides just drawing for it?

Hello! The merch artist will be responsible for creating the design of the merchandise. The mod team will then take that design and have a manufactorer make the product. Thank you for the question!

Anonymous · 2y

hello! i am interested in applying as a writer. is it okay for me to submit two apps, one for sfw only and another for nsfw? i have a lot of samples for this pairing and i'd like to choose the best sfw and the best nsfw. thank you!

Hello! In order to keep fariness, please only submit one application. We encourage you to put all of your best works in either the samples, and/or the portfolio! We wish you the best of luck and thank you for supporting!!

Anonymous · 2y

Hello! Just wanted to ask for the blind judging, it is said that signatures are fine. If my art has my watermark (@/account name) on it do i have to remove it?

Hello! We prefer versions without watermarks due to blind judging. However, if you do not have any versions without the watermark, we will still accept the art. Thank you for the question!

Anonymous · 2y

super excited to apply! The writing app says that you will be rating the fics blind. However all of the ones i am linking are published on Ao3, is there a chance someone might recognize my work? Should I remove the published names from the files i am sharing?

Hello! If possible, please convert them to Google Doc form without any names on it. This will help keep the integrity of the blind viewing in order to vote purely on the things listed in the Writer guide. The portfolio, however, can be an Ao3 link, which we will only view if needed for breaking a tie. We appreicate your excitement and wish you the best of luck!

Anonymous · 2y

Hi - it appears there's a discrepancy in the content allowed when one compares the writer application Google Form vs. the Carrd. The GF states that shota/loli is permitted, where the Carrd says that shota/loli is restricted due to publishing/legal guidelines. Which is correct?

Hello, shota/lolicon is allowed in the add-on, but we cannot print it. Thanks for the question!

Anonymous · 2y

Hi! Sorry this might sound stupid, but for artists, will we retain independent selling rights for prints/merch we contribute, or would contributing our pieces to the zine make them zine-exclusive?

Hello! We ask as a courtesy that artists not reveal their piece until we tell them it’s ok. But you will retain all rights to them and are free to sell them after the courtesy period is over. Thanks for the question!

Anonymous · 2y

Hi! Super excited for this zine!! I've been waiting for a kaeya and diluc zine for a while now and would love to contribute. Is there an approximate number of artists that you guys will be accepting?

Hello! We are looking at accepting around 20 artists, give or take! Thanks for the question!

Anonymous · 2y

what are the application requirements, or where can i find them? I want to make sure my portfolio is filled out enough to be considered.

Hello! In the application, there is a link to find the requirements. They will open in another tab in the form of a Google Document! Thank you for the question!

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