Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 2y

Hey, i got a question. Tried again on twt but it didn't work :''D
I'd like to apply but i never really finished any KLK piece with both nor any elaborate picture with kaeya bc i usually need an incentive to finish sth. My forte are either water colour works or lineart (both which haven't found their use in the genshin fandom). Would it be okay to apply with illustrations that are not from genshin fandom but meet the requirements like full background and then with full colour artwork with only one character?

Hello! Per our guidelines, we need either a finished LucKaeLuc piece OR alternatively, one Diluc and one Kaeya work. This is to show the capabilities of creating the characters. We wish you the best of luck and thank you for the interest and support!!

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