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anonymous silly billy · 6mo

So you’re a non biny girl?

ah, no. a common mistake <3 im non binary in the sense of i don’t identify as a “man” or as a “woman”. but my gender identity leans more towards masculine labels (ie i prefer being called “boy” over “girl”, the fact i use he/him pronoun etc). but i still don’t really identify as a man? i also am using the definition of lesbian that is “non-man who is solely attracted to non-men”, im not using the lesbian definition that is “woman who is solely attracted to women”. i am a non-man who is solely attracted to other non-men. i do not identify as a girl in any way, i am still transmasculine (but not a trans MAN). please do not refer to me in feminine ways, unless its like queer slang lmao. does this make sense? i hope it does xx

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