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anonymous silly billy · 3d

Owner of juiciest cunny?

anonymous silly billy · 20d

Is your name Lemon bc of how they used to rate fics (lemon, lime, etc)?

it is not but i do think that’s a funny assumption. i do remember those ratings tho xD no, my name is because i wanted something to contrast the “sweets” in my username, so i was like “mmm…sour” and i really like lemons both as a fruit and as that summery-aesthetic ✨✨ i used to eat lemons as a kid like i’d ask my parents for their lemon wedges in their drinks and just eat it xD another name i use online is Llyr, but i more so use that name in my sfw pseuds. i decided i needed pseudonym names because when i made this account, i was going by my irl name on my sfw acc, and i learnt how BAD of an idea that was LMAO XD

anonymous silly billy · 21d

Meowwww hi hi

Bsd hunger games, excluding Fyodor. Who is winning?

meowww hiii !!
hmmm… my delusion says fitzgerald wins and spares poe like a wounded puppy and protects him, but let’s be honest i don’t think fitzgerald would /be/ in the hunger games? probably one of the ones watching and sponsoring. but hmmm i think my gut says atsushi because he’s quite strong and fairly independent and quick on his feet? but kenji could also be a good option too, or kyoka

k · 21d

did you know bees have 5 eyes

anonymous silly billy · 21d

Hewwo meow meow meowwww :3 Do you have any BSD fic recs? Especially if they explore queer identity?

anonymous silly billy · 25d

happy pride month lemon 🍋 💝 what are your favorite bungo queer headcanons?

fitzgerald: Bisexual + polyam
poe: gay + trans + polyam
ranpo; gay + nb + aro + ace
dazai: trans + bi
chuuya: trans + bi
fyodor: trans

pumpkin · 27d

i have to work all week i’m not strong enough lemon 🥺🥺🥺🥺
i hope your therapy session goes well 💜

AAAAA NOOOO PUMPKIINNNN, i cuddle u softly. therapy went well!! thank u meow. i hope work went well <33

pumpkin · 28d

i stare at you with boba eyes
how are you today

hiii pumpkin. i’m decent, i have therapy later on hehe. how are you? looks back at you with boba eyes

Silvfyre · 2mo

Hi lemon!!! How are you? What have you been working on lately? 🧡

HIII FYREEEE. sorry this is late LMAO. i’m good!! very tired but good!! hmmm … fitzpoe, as always, also some big boobie sigma drawings, and my obligations LMAO

anonymous silly billy · 2mo

Do you like genderswapoed fitzpoe? If so can you share some headcanons of their relationship?

anonymous silly billy · 2mo


HIII ANON. uhh ill be honest ive been pretty depressed and stressed as of late. but ive been up to uni things recently, and my dead line is coming up, but after that its a break until september - IM FREEEEE. going on vacation too!!

anonymous silly billy · 2mo

Sits outside your door and meows loudly. Do you have any Kafka ships?

I DO. I AM INSANE OVER KAFSTEL. kafka x me /j i also like kafka x silver wolf, kafka x march 7th, kafka x blade if blade is submissive/bottom is also one i enjoy. kafka x himeko too. honestly any kafka f/f ship and im THERE

anonymous silly billy · 3mo

meows squeaky at you. i dont have thoughts in my head are you up to date on penacony i dont remember if you star rail but toxic sunday/robin is slowly seeping into my brain n that might be something fun to think about if you think about it

meows at you back!! unfortunately i had to delete hsr cuz i didn’t have space on my ipad to DRAW so LMAOOO. but god sunday robin makes me so hard so kudos op , i love it

anonymous silly billy · 3mo


HIIIII ANON OWO. uhm im doing a lot of uni stuff and some comms, but right this minute im working on razwood trigun porn!!

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