Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous silly billy · 6mo

are you not scared of your irls finding ur account?

this question is weirdly leading? i’m worried, sure. but a) my dad knows about my account and what i post (he’s blocked, i don’t want him to look at my page LMAO). my best friend knows about my account and what i draw and write (she encourages me). all my closest friends, i’ve made through this account. i don’t associate my irl self with this account. my friends at uni know i do nsfw, and if they have a problem with my dead dove then we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. some of my irls know abt my dead dove (ive shown one of them my noncon fic xD). you’d be surprised how little people who are mostly offline care about this stuff. like sure they think im odd, but like…im autistic and socially unappealing, im odd no matter what i draw

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