
Founded in the Before Times of 2012, we're a visual novel fansite and community. Check out our forums! Yes, we believe in forums in anno domini 2022.

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Anyonymous Student A · 8mo

owo or uwu?

I think I personally prefer uwu of the two. Though I'm not sure if I'm particularly fond of either... Jesus, you've really done it, you've made me try to think of the semantic difference of two meme internet terms only used unironically by people who ever-so-slightly scare me. Oh no.

Anyonymous Student A · 11mo

What visual novel would you guys 100% recommend to people who already played most of the "best ones" from steam? Any hidden gem? more than one? (can be unlocalized, any kind of genre, dark/light)

Anyonymous Student A · 11mo

Has anyone from your group suffered through that infamous clockup game?

I you mean Euphoria — several, actually. I myself read Rinne's route and stalled it after because I have severe stallitis. We have people who read Maggot Baits too if that's what you're thinking of, I believe Fujoneko is a fan. We actually have a review of Euphoria from way back by Decay, though he's no longer with us.

Anyonymous Student A · 1y

Who is running your Twitter account now? Did you tell them to post less? You posted much more in the past.

Anyonymous Student A · 1y

forum.Fuwan0vel.com will be real ?

If anything, we might get the twitter handle fixed up one day. Though I gotta be honest, it's not overly likely to happen soon lol.

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

The cake is a lie.

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

I'm really disappointed that Hata is used goods. Into the bin he goes.

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

How do you like your coffee?

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

Do you subscribe to the concept: I licked it, therefore it is mine

This would imply several dogs own me, which is frankly entirely unacceptable. However, if I lick you... Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we?

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

Is Hata a bottom or versatile? I can't see him as a pure top.

I definitely think he's vers more than bottom. He's definitely flexible if you consider his like of both mesugaki and big booba ladies

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

It's time for a new round of Fuck/Marry/Kill. Today's options: Meru/Verdelish/Steiner

I will marry all of them and force them to work in the eroge translation mines for me.

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

Is Hata used goods?

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

Does Hata like used goods?

I'm pretty sure he loves them. The man's got a healthier view of sexuality than 90% of the jvn fanbase.

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

Since forums have an activity spike, what are your plans for the main site? Fuwa probably won't survive on forums alone.

Whenever Sinned can get things set up, there will be a blog refresh with various new feautres, plus reviews and other articles will be merged. We have quite a few writers assembled with varying specializations to give us all kinds of articles. At the moment we are, regrettably, waiting for Tay. Hopefully for the last time.

Anyonymous Student A · 2y

rate this song from 1-10 https://youtu.be/OKe1RJWvq7U

7/10, it's a well produced pop song giving you that banger feel at times but nothing that stays with you or has a lot of interesting complexity or emotion

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