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gay oomfie · 1mo

i don't think they'll do a third n25 member for valentine's in a row, or at least i hope so, therefore i'm not really expecting mizuki. i agree i have no idea which other character could be. maybe shizuku? that without ignoring the high chance of it being 3 ocs considering all previous vd events have been like that lol, but you never know😭

well, i think there'll be a niigo char in VD because... there simply isn't many other choices. assuming they don't do 4* repeats, the choices are:
shiho (honami)
minori (shizuku)
an, akito (touya)
tsukasa, rui
mafuyu, mizuki
miku, meiko, kaito (rin, len, luka)
with the ones in brackets being chars that already have a 3 or 2* in a previous VD event

starting with the VS, meiko is likely not happening. she's only missing wxs uscorer, and that'd complete both her uscorer lims and the wxs uscorer lims. miku's a similar case, though she wouldn't complete the mmj uscorers so it's half-fine
kaito's likely on NY, and len has a pretty good chance too; however, if they break the lim cap, len can be here... except it'd be niigo len, so it already proves there'd be a niigo lim in VD lol

i can kinda see vbs rin or luka happening, but since rin is likely in touya5 due to being behind in songs, and luka was the event card last year... not really feeling it

leaving VS aside:
- shiho's already at 4* cap, and i doubt she'd break cap again so soon. this is also the main reason why i think shiho's not the next leoni focus; either that or leoni's not in january
- minori... can happen! but not really feeling her. i think there's a chance she's on NY
- an i think is more likely on NY (as bloomfes), while i can really see akito happening. but an can be on VD if akito's bloomfes, or there's no vbs bfes at all
- i think tsukasa has a HIGH chance of being there, and perhaps even the focus. on the other hand... i don't think it'll be rui. rui5 should be around then, so... yeah.
- mafuyu and mizuki are both possible, though i think it's more likely mafuyu if either, since she's more due for a 4* than mizuki. mizuena got 4* cards in mizuki5 and ena5, so kanade being on NY and mafuyu on VD makes sense... to me!

when it comes to the OCs that already have 3/2* cards:
- honami feels more likely to be in WD if anything to me
- shizuku same thing, although i admit there's a chance it's her. she's a 2* compared to the other two here
- and touya was just last year, so it feels too fast to repeat if they even did repeats imo

this leaves, pretty much:
akito, tsukasa, mafuyu... yeah, my cursed lineup spec. maybe shizuku if they don't mind repeating characters that have already had VD cards?

a bit iffy for now on my specs, but tsukasa+mafuyu VD seems like a good bet

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