Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

gay oomfie · 19d

oh yeah, the enstars collab… it's going to heavily depend on whether they have come with hairstyles or not. i doubt it, though.

i do think the wait between both lims would be outrageous though… basically 17&18 days. not even hairstyleless lims and normal lims (minori wl to wedding, kohane wl to vd, sanrio ena to vd) have such a short distance… oof.

i've seen some people spec for shizuku to be in vd, but i'm not really confident in them doing that (minori would be a better choice in that case tbh). i am still feeling tsukasa though, despite of what i mentioned.

also, while it's still a while before it, do you think 4.5 anni could be a vs event? it's also something i've been seeing speculated😭 i personally don't think so because we're essentially guaranteed 5 hakolims b2b and it seems like a better chance for all of them to appear there, but i'd like to see what you think!

hi sorry for the late response i've been tiering and it's also been my birthday and i forgot to check retrospring

i doubt enstars lims will have hairstyles.... not that i will complain if they do bc akito ^_^ but i'd be surprised if they did

current VD spec would be like. mafuyu or mizuki + minori + either niigo len or... someone else (shiho, or mizuki/mafuyu if the other's the focus?), in case they want to leave len for WD, as i've seen some people theorize. it's a bit odd currently... once i see the next perm mix i'll be more confident in my VD spec, i think

also i Really really doubt 4.5 will be a VS event. vs wl will already take the yearly vs event spot, and as you said, we've got a lot of hakolims coming, and having most of them be 3OC would be odd, so i'd say we don't need to worry about 4.5 being a VS event at all

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