Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

gay oomfie · 1d

it seems i got the duet prediction wrong… at least we got 3 covers this time.

either way, haruka5 is confirmed, which means the cap is being raised, inevitably.

since the enstars collab does have a gacha, i guess that means no tsukasa in vd… i'm a bit hesitant about shiho. maybe they will do len? somehow lol.

well, the 4* cap has already been raised with movie miku haha. also i believe tsukasa could still be in VD, if they're evil

i think len can happen if they do mafuyu+mmj, bc mafuyu+shiho+len would be the exact same units as kanademix3

either way, the choices im feeling most for VD are:
mafuyu+mmj/tsukasa+niigo len

im not Truly feeling mafuyu+shiho+whoever because it'd be the same as kanademix3, as i mentioned; the afterlive could be niigo+mmj, i suppose, but ehh

although it's lowkey crazy, i think it could be mafuyu+shizuku+tsukasa. idk, im just feeling it lol

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