Anonymous Coward · 6mo

you caught my attention gabriel, for first time i saw your mf, i saw your tweet about your mom, the way you love her so much, i guess you’re a family man. but you’re too friendly buat aku yang friendless, if may i know, kamu lagi suka sama seseorang gak? terimakasih banyak atas jawabannya. anw hari ini ibu masak apa?

Hi sendee, thank you to tell me about your feeling. Hari ini ibu bikin sup galantin, sender udah makan belum? Oh iya, about your question, idk what the answer is but ya.. same as you, i set my eyes to someone rn. Maaf ya kalau friendly nya gua bikin lo sedih atau kesusahan. Sekali lagi terimakasih sender.

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