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Make sure I haven't already answered a question before asking it. Other than that, try not to ask anything too weird.


Nameless Fairy · 7mo

Which touhou character would most likely run for POTUS

Miko is the basic answer, but I think Seija would. I also think she would not only win, but she would have more entertaining debates than what we had in 2016.

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

how far are you in lobotomy corp so far

I stopped around day 24 when I last updated people on Twitter. After needing to manage all those really bad entities at the same time and since it had been so long since I uploaded a video, I decided to focus on that. I'll get back to it.

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

Do you think there's any youkai in Gensokyo that look true to their original more monstrous forms or are basically all of the youkai there just cute girls?

Nameless Fairy · 7mo

Which lolcow would try to live in gensokyo?

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

In western magic theres often something called "silence spells" which are spells that specifically target magic users leaving them unable to cast spells for a certain amount of time. I feel this negates spell card activation and danmaku in general if not hard counters many types of eastern magic. However I'm interest in your opinion on this topic. What is your take on this idea?

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

what's your opinion on oarfishes

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

I'm thinking of visiting the Cirno Museum in the future, and saw on Google Maps that I need to make a reservation. Are there anything else I should know about before making a visit?

Yes, you do. You can contact them on twitter to visit. They post their schedule for the year late at the end of the previous year I think. So you can see what days WILL be open, and which will be open with appointment.

Other than that, be prepared to plan out your train route ahead of time. If you are coming from Tokyo(which I think most foreigners will) it's a non-insignificant ride there. Determine how much time you'll need to get there, and plan according to their hours.

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

Have you ever visited the Cirno Museum in Hadano? Would you ever consider making a video about it?

I had a tweet like two days ago where I said I not only already went, but filmed it, interviewed the creator, and have a video slated for September.

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

You implied in a previous Q&A video that you might not ever do a follow up video on YouReimu, as well as hinted towards not liking ReiReimu very much.

May I ask as to why, for both these things? 🙏

This is ReiReimu spoilers for anyone reading, but ReiReimu's ending felt weird to me. I didn't like the 'it's a multiverse and everything people made is real!' stuff. I also thought it started to go too hard on the melodrama. Overall, I just think it is an inferior piece that didn't need creating. Suikasen is better.

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

They can't stop talking about you in private circles it's really funny

These people have no life

I'm pretty much immune to stuff like that. I went into YouTube knowing there would people who hate me, and I don't really care. I still get death threats on occasion. Why? Because I make silly videos about lore for a video game.

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

You ever think about Touhou fangame ideas

It could be something small like those old flash games where you got to make your own Sonic/DBZ characters with other character's clothes or features (like imagine Reimu wearing Marisa's hat)

AnotherUser007 · 8mo

So 8 months back you did an amazing video on Osana Reimu (which I enjoyed when it released) but this leads me to probably the most simple question

With how both Osana Reimu & its followup Reierimu have impacted the community do you believe any other stories have this same impact even at a different scale?

If we're talking specifically 'stories' I think 'Concealed the Conclusion' back in the day had a decent following. I think that's mostly waned these days though while YouReimu hasn't. The only other one I can think of is KKHTA. I don't think any fan manga have reached their level of recognition purely on the basis that less people read.

Nameless Fairy · 8mo

Wanna have a date? I brew good tea!
Oh and also do the fanon or fandom side of touhou put You off or did?

You have me on the tea...
I've mentioned this in the past, but I was put off by fans enough that I never interacted with them until I needed to (making videos). I'm cordial with them, but a lot are people I would not go beyond being acquainted with if that makes sense. Of course, back in the day, I a lot them I wouldn't even go that far, hence why I stayed away for the longest time.

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