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Nameless Fairy · 8mo

In western magic theres often something called "silence spells" which are spells that specifically target magic users leaving them unable to cast spells for a certain amount of time. I feel this negates spell card activation and danmaku in general if not hard counters many types of eastern magic. However I'm interest in your opinion on this topic. What is your take on this idea?

I think Silence as a spell has been 'vagued' to simply counter all magic. However, I believe this originated from the idea of certain spells possessing a verbal component to cast. But for the sake of the argument, let's suppose we use the one that silences all magic.

I think if we take it as face value, it would only negate magic-based danmaku. Not all danmaku is. Some are physical. I would also say special abilities aren't always magic. However, I would also make the point that there would be some form of 'spell resistance' as well. If a weak magician cast Silence on a very powerful magician, it would be pretty silly if it worked. The powerful magician would more likely have a higher resistance to enemy spells.

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