Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

NPC · 5mo

I remember that post about how fandom approaches male characters with Watsonian perspective and female characters with Doylist perspective. Male characters are always thought to have hidden depths and motivations while female characters are taken at face value and reduced to one word. Genshin fandom being younger than average doesn't help either.

I also don't think a character like Furina can thrive in a gacha.

The sheer amount of characters in gachas doesn’t help either. Screen time is a limited resource, and people are only going to take the time to really examine characters that they like. Others get reduced to one or two traits or interests. Since female character are already usually taken at face value PLUS the fact that there are a ton more women in gacha games, it means they’re stuck with the worst of it. So yeah, it does make it hard for a character who requires a lot of deeper understanding like Furina to be properly seen.

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