Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

🔎anon: this is... entirely random and most likely TMI, but the mentions of yh's feet reminded me of your other fic with the. Feet kink. I have his wikifeet tab just lying there open on my browser now; I'm not personally interested in feet in general but now once in a while I catch myself wondering about his specifically. It's great for when I accidentally tell my friends something too awful about myself and need to distract them from it 🤘

Got me cackling here, anon. Don't be shy to spill more TMIs. Tho do mention if you want me to not share it on twitter.

Then, it seems, I succeeded in giving you a brainrot on feet. It's funny how the way you describe your interest somewhat matches your emoji origin. If you told me you are interested in his feet from purely scientific point I'd go 'valid'. How it goes? 'Uuuuh, anyway, here's a whole page on feet of critically acclaimed singer and lyricist kyh from d6?' Hope you don't have to do this too often, i.e. don't feel bad about telling something awful about yourself to this extent that you need to cover it up. Even though I don't know the full context.

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