Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

🔎anon: yes. :D (I hope you liked it!)

(yeah the potentially incredibly funny thing (to me) was that at the time of the guess the anon game I was already sitting on like three pages of notes so far for teddy bear to bed, of all things, which i'd grabbed like a month back completely at random for this exact exercise, but you said "there are still limits to the bendability tbh. Otherwise I might have written the hybrid sequel a number of people want" and i thought okay, I can't start with that one, I can't do that to them)

Are you joking, anon? I loved it! I need tho to sit down and properly reply. Preferably in gdocs first like I do with some retro asks. Because as you might've seen on twitter, my stupid ass clicked on cancel mid comment.

Also eh, I would've loved to receive any comment to any fic really. But to receive one to Good Enough surely was unexpected and very welcome 🤧 Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, really. I legit teared up ytd

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