IlloDan25 · 13d

Hello Homura, I have a question for you, you see, I am a book writer and I really liked both the characters of BloodLight and the plot of it itself, so could I create a BloodLight book? If you allow me to do so, I would ask you to please explain to me the lore of BloodLight and the lore of each of the characters. Thank you so much.

I’m incredibly flattered to be presented with such an opportunity but I’ll ultimately have to decline on that. This is a highly personalized endeavour for me that I’d like to pursue myself and I’d rather not bring in an additional outside element that might potentially twist things regardless of how much explaining is done beforehand. Perhaps once things are more tangible, be it via a WEBTOON or just more established comics then I’ll consider the possibility of it getting novelized. Thank you!

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