Anonymous Coward · 13d

What do you think of the Traveler in Genshin story-wise, not their design?
Recently after Arlecchino's story quest I've seen a lot of people complain that the Traveler is just a tool for HoYo to make the limited 5* look really good, constantly needing them to save their ass because they fail at everything
And to be honest I kinda agree, since Inazuma they're just there doing nothing.
They are in my opinion a failure in storytelling born from the fact that they are a free character everyone gets.

See, all that annoyance would be valid if this was not a game designed specifically to make people pay to obtain other characters. Not that I'm gonna defend what is clearly a self-insert but I think if people went into this expecting the traveller to be anything other than a reactionary "main character" for them to imprint their power fantasies onto in a gacha game then they are better off reading a Korean manwha because at least those ones have more chances of the MC having a semblance of a personality of their own lol
And hey, if we're being really technical here and playing devils advocate for hoyo, since Inazuma tabibito-san has in short order:

  • Set off the event for killing a harbinger (by beating Signora in a fight)
  • Basically beat the raiden shogun in their round 2 fight. Sure, power of friendship but it was through them that it came about.
  • Solved and ended the groundhog day time loop in Sumeru's first third of the archon quest
  • Became the sword Nahida needed to thrash Scaramouche
  • Unravelled the murder mystery behind the disappearing women in fontaine
  • hard carries whatever NPC is the main character in the various world quests littered across the regions.

Now to reiterate, I'm not disagreeing with you. I just think it's not something one should come into a gacha game expecting unless the powers that be decide to flip things on their head and, God forbid, make the traveller (again who is meant to be a self insert and thus deliberately vaguely moral to reflect the average viewers decisio making) an active protagonist. In a game that is meant to sell other characters.

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