Anonymous · 6mo

about your post "Reply to this post with something kinky you've been in the mood for lately, and I'll make an attempt to flirt with you about it" on fedi : what about teasing someone in chastity and denied to cum ? :3

Tricky... I don't quite get the chastity thing, myself. For me, getting to feel good is kind of the point, ultimately.

Though, thinking about it, I suppose I can see it as a different kind of good feeling. Knowing that you've done what you're told, resisted temptation. The feeling of overcoming a base urge in order to better reflect your- well, obedience, I assume. Let's go with that.

I imagine the hard part is sticking to it when nobody's watching, though. When you're anonymous like this, and a little indiscretion would go unnoticed. If you were to reach down and start touching, well... nobody would know. You could have your cake and eat it, too. You could finally feel that full-bodied, sheet-grabbing, wonderful climax, and maintain your streak in the eyes of those keeping score.

But you won't do that.

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